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Resident Committees

We encourage resident involvement on a wide variety of hospital and university committees as well as national organizations. Here you can learn some more information about the committees each resident is eligible to join during their training. 

Simply hover over each of the committees to view more information.

The Infection Control Committee is responsible for implementing the hospital infection control program. This includes the review and analysis of nosocomial infections and infection potentials, the promotion of a preventative and corrective program designed to minimize infection hazards and the supervision of infection control in all phases of the hospitals' activities. The infection Control Program shall be designed to meet or exceed the current national standards in hospital infection control. 

Infection Control



The Neonatal Services Committee shall be responsible for the appraisal of the newborn services at Norton Children's Hospital and review the policies and procedures as it relates to this service. 

Neonatal Services


  • To serve in an advisory capacity to the Medical Staff and hospital Administration in all matters pertaining to the use of drugs, including investigational drugs.

  • To develop the formulary of drugs accepted for use in this hospital and provide for its constant revision. 

  • To establish suitable educational programs for this hospital's professional staff on matters relating to drug use. 

  • To study problems relating to the distribution and administration of medications, including medication incidents. 

  • To review adverse drug reactions occurring in the hospital.

  • To advise the Pharmacy in the Implementation and review of drug distribution and control procedures.

  • Reviews the appropriateness, safety and effectiveness of the empiric, therapeutic and prophylactic use of all drugs determined by assigned members of the Medical Staff to be pertinent to the age population that the hospital services.

  • To evaluate and approve protocols concerning the use of investigational drugs. 

Pharmacy and Therapeutics

The Rescue Committee reviews all "Code 300" events and Rapid Response Team calls. The committee determines if the action taken was appropriate. The committee assesses the circumstances surrounding the event and determines if a further Root Cause Analysis is necessary. The committee also reviews all policies, procedures and equipment involved in Code 300 or Rapid Response Team events. 



This committee is composed of physicians, nurses, and administrative representatives from diverse backgrounds and specialties. The members of the Reaching for Zero team have significant responsibility in moving patient safety and outcomes initiatives forward. This committee develops an agenda and solutions to help improve service. 

Reaching for Zero

  • Offer confidential case review and non-binding recommendations for clinical situations in which family, staff or physicians are in conflict. Request for case review may be made by any member of the care team, patient or patient's guardian. Attending physician will be notified at time of such request. 

  • Provide a forum for review of hospital by-laws and policies and creation of new policy in order to rectify reoccurring conflicts, clarify current procedures and address emerging ethical concerns with the approval of the MEC.

  • Create educational opportunities to allow discussion and review of pertinent ethical issues



(Upper Levels Only): Multi-disciplinary inter-professional unit-specific teams that monitor quality improvement metrics, unit procedures, and unit sensitive patient safety initiatives. Clinical units include: Emergency Department, PICU, CICU, and NICU.

Unit Specific Clinical Practice Teams


This committee is multi-disciplinary and is a forum used for discussing problems and investigating issues, as well as educational updates which will impact the care of the mother and newborn at University of Louisville Hospital.

University of Louisville Hospital - Nursery Advisory


Our vision is that this group will write our program policies on diversity and inclusion, inform our recruitment and orientation processes, and engage with the medical school and the great work already underway. We are looking for broad representation with this committee. Members do not need to identify as an under-represented person in medicine to participate. The call for participation will go out with the general committee interest above. 

Equity, Effectiveness, & Engagement


This committee discusses issues surrounding the Pediatric rotations for medical students. They discuss and create educational initiatives to improve the medical student experience during Pediatric Clerkship. 

Student Education


  • Discuss recent cases with areas for improvement in patient care and chose an appropriate case for presentation at the monthly M&M conference. 

  • Identify specific learning points and systems issues that should be addressed

  • Contact, in writing, residents and faculty members that will be presenting

  • Introduce each case and supervise the discussion.

Morbidity & Mortality


This committee meets prior to the residency recruitment season to review feedback from previous candidates and recommends changes to the recruitment process. After completion of interviews and once the preliminary rank list has been generated, the subcommittee meets to discuss and approve it. 


In late spring, this committee also convenes to review the results of the residents' assessments of the program (summaries of annual program reviews, ACGME survey results, and individual rotation evaluations, together with any other program evaluation results). These assessments are used to create an appropriate action plan to improve resident and faculty performance. The committee also reviews graduate performance on the certification examination to ensure compliance with local and national goals for taking the examination and passing it, modifying the action as appropriate. Activities of this committee are reported to the REC and program leadership every other month, including development, review, and follow-through on program improvement action plans. 

Program Evaluation Committee (PEC)


Our recruitment champions help plan the interview day agenda; enlist residents to participate in candidate lunches and dinners; serve as key contacts for interviewees; and help determine key characteristics of residents in our program to target during interview day.

Recruitment Subcommittee


The goal of this committee is: "To improve the health, well-being and quality of life of all Pediatric Residents at the University of Louisville, Department of Pediatrics. Our aim is to empower each resident to promote their personal health and to model positive attitudes that will further strengthen our committee to lifelong wellness." This group aims to: 


  • Provide residents with quarterly noon conference sessions focused on nutrition, exercise, coping with grief, stress, and other topics related to personal wellness. 

  • Organize quarterly happy hour sessions to correspond with the date of the noon conference to allow available resident the opportunity to relax and socialize.

  • Assist residents needing assistance from the OME due to burn-out, stress, depression, or other personal issues.

  • Organize significant other support groups, orientation events, fitness challenges, and manage the Wellness Calendar.

Resident Wellness

PUSH (Pediatricians Urging Safety and Health) is a resident-led and resident-driven program that is engaged in both legislative work and community outreach. We have nine resident leaders elected by their peers yearly and four faculty advisors who are very involved in facilitating the program. This executive team provides leadership for the PUSH program as a whole and represents the PUSH team in the community as well. This group seeks out five interns each year to be at-large members of the PUSH Executive Committee team to encourage early involvement and leadership in advocacy.

PUSH Executive Committee - At Large Interns

Comprised of Pediatric and Med/Peds residents who are elected by their peers, the members of this council act as liaisons between the residents and the Office of Medical Education (OME). These residents meet with the chief residents monthly, where they bring feedback from their fellow residents to the attention of the chief residents and program director. They directly participate in problem solving of any issues that arise during these meetings and also help relay important information from the OME to the residents.

Resident Leadership Council

Two residents are elected to serve as Pediatrics representatives on a university-wide graduate medical education trainee council. The House Staff Council is a group of residents elected by their peers to encourage synergy among all programs and residents within the University. Primarily, the council is an outlet for residents to voice their concerns or address issues that need attention without fear of retaliation or retribution from their training programs.

House Staff Council

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